Super theme

Skills used



September 2018


Described as a Moodle theme to end all Moodle theme, this project solved clear objectives that HowToMoodle had set out. Improve efficiency of their theme development process, improve the roll out process of future updates and improve the UX and UI of configuring the theme.

The solution I proposed was taken through initial idea to a prototype and then developed into the working and releasable version. It featured a myriad of new features including an import and export of the theme settings.

The end result was an average of 50% reduced time to create a Moodle look which matches the clients website. An scalable system which allowed new functionality to be deployed to old and new clients alike.

Settings page

Onne issues with other Moodle themes is the poor UX of the theme settings, Super theme changes this an improved tab layout with ability to have sub pages to settings can be categorised into meaningful sections.

New setting types

Moodle has a few setting types, such a text, htmleditor, file upload, etc. But I found that a it still wasn't quite enough.

The new slider setting allows a user to simply click and drag to set the correct value or the user can manually type the value in. With the ability to set the min/max and step size it helps filter the input to make sure it's always valid.

The colour picker whilst not a new setting to Moodle does bring some much needed new features. The setting now has an opacity selector, input filtering to stop invalid colour values. A new feature I added is keyword support, a user can enter specific keywords which allow the user to reference a value from another colour picker setting within the theme.

For example, a user might want the button background colour to be the same as the primary colour, without the keyword the user would enter the same colour reference in each setting but with keywords they enter the value for the primary colour but the button background colour use the keyword "primary". If the user then updates the primary colour the button background colour also updates.

new settings